Blooming flowers
Currently overcast, rain, and temperatures in the 40’s. Burrrr! The flowers are blooming, the black flies are horrible, and the garden is growing! I can’t help but get excited about all that the Lord created for us to enjoy.
We are officially back into the normal routine after a wonderful 10 day family vacation. We enjoyed many house projects and a few day trips throughout the 10 days, but ultimately enjoyed each-other as a busy summer schedule of ministry, outreach, and encouragement is upon us.
At the beginning of our vacation we had the privilege of attending on of our maintenance student’s high school graduation ceremony and it was wonderful. He will be attending LETU in Longview, Texas, for aircraft maintenance training.
N12ER is having the ADSB transponder installed along with the VFR/IFR certifications completed this week. The plane should be back in service for the weekend as we look to continue mission flights soon. Hangar Bible night is Monday night and we will be hearing a devotional and testimonial from our newest Pilot, Mike, from Daytona, Florida, who moved to Maine specifically to serve through Mission Aviation in Maine. Praise the Lord!
Mattheus, our summer intern from Brazil, will arrive into KBOS, on June 8th, as He will be attending the 141 flight training ground school from June 11- August 12.
This week I am back at my classes and enjoying every moment. One takeaway I have throughly enjoyed is the idea of having a fascination for who God is and His Word. I believe this is a vital key to leadership, discipleship, and our daily walk. This fascination reminds me of a flower budding like the ones in our yard have been. When we soak up His Word, we are better prepared, we are thrilled, we are full, and we are beaming!
Today between work and normal family stuff, I will meeting with one Pastor for lunch, attending a meeting tonight for Church business, and continuing in my studies. It will be a full day, but I believe the Lord wants us to live with purpose as He did.
Todays reading and time of devotion: John 17:3-4
Have a blessed day,
Alec S. Kindred