Peaceful pattern
Good Morning,
Last night PTG Missions had its monthly Hangar Night. If you’ve never experienced Limington-Harmon Airport as the sun sets, it’s one of the more serene places you can find yourself in Southern Maine. The field sits among a few rolling hills, surrounded by tall trees and scattered hangars on both sides. Calm and cool, the evening was quiet except for N12ER’s lap around the pattern.
After we flushed the brake lines, I had the opportunity to join a few people on the flight around the area for a systems check before it heads to Presque Isle next week. It’s always fun flying, but having just read Psalm 19, the first verse in that chapter held a new perspective.
“The Heavens declare the Glory of God; the skies proclaim the works of his hands.”
The view from 1,000ft. is stunning in its own right. Once you see the glory of God’s creation from above, it’s hard not to want to experience it constantly, and to share that experience with others. But what’s more is the people involved in PTG Missions are actually living out proclaiming the works of His hands.
We heard from the Harrison family, who are moving back to Ukraine in hopes of working with orphans and under-served. God tells us that we should dream big, and their vision for an airfield, school and hospital there is testament to what that really means.
We saw two new faces last night as well, both with great passion for aviation and sharing the message of Jesus with others. More than anything, it’s encouraging to see God working in Limington, for His good in Maine and beyond.
One more verse came to mind as everyone was praying for the future, Phillipians 4:6:
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, and with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
We don’t know what the future holds, and that can be unsettling at times. But constant prayer, and living with gratitude for what God has already provided, brings about peace. Only living in the present can teach us how good it actually is to live in the present, knowing that God has our needs met at every stop along the way.
Have a great week,
Mike Black