Dorain: Transition in winds
Greetings from New England
Currently Dorain is just off the coast here of Maine, mainly near down-east Maine. Winds certainly picked up yesterday but no major weather to talk about this morning.
As I sit at my desk in my study, the radio is very active as people are flying into our airfield just a few miles away, coffee is warm, the air is cool, and the family is still sleep; I am preparing two messages for today as I fill the pulpit for both the morning and evening services. What a Blessing!
This summer has been absolutely crazy busy but it has been worth it all. Last weekend was our flyout weekend, the busiest weekend of the year for us. We had around 13 campers, all home schooled, getting proper outreach training, jump into various aircraft and fly all over New England sharing the Gospel. In fact the Gospel was shared over 20 times just in two days, ranging from central Maine, and as far south as Albany, NY. Praise the Lord! 12 flights went out, over 30 volunteers, over 20 hours of A&P training, and multiple wonderful moments of discipleship and devotions. I would have to say on behalf of our family, it was one of the best weekends of our lives.
This years camp was wonderful, the tent revival was extremely encouraging as we heard from the Lord through Missionary A.J. James. This past week we cleaned everything up and began preparing for the winter months. This morning I am preaching out of Genesis 12:1-5. “Abram Departed”.
I am also continuing my classes this fall as I set my eyes on still achieving my Bachelors degree.
Also on the horizon is the opportunity to do more PTG flyout camps in two different areas (Both far away). More details to come. This month Josiah, will be writing the newsletter, so we will be sure to get that to you as soon as it is completed.
One new change coming up October 1, is my employment. I have accepted a position back at Northeast Air (PWM) as an Assistant Director of Maintenance, where I will have 5 weeks off a year primarily for family and ministry. This allows me to attend every camp we are involved in. It is also a great move for the family for things like insurance, 401K, and also flight benefits for the camps I will be attending. It will be hard to leave SMA at SFM but the Lord is truly guiding our family. This new schedule will also aid in my time allotted for classes, as I will be able to take an extra classes every term, and be involved at our local church more, and even do outreach flights during the week, instead of just weekends. This is really our first step into ministry and Northeast knows that. This is a great partnership between NEA, PTG and our family, and we give God the glory for His provisions. It is a shift in winds so to speak much like Dorain, but God is our builder and Maker.
Thank you all for your support on so many levels. Have a wonderful Sunday and enjoy the first weekend of football! Go Giants ;)
Blessings to you all,
Alec S. Kindred