Good morning,
Back to work today after a wonderful day as a family yesterday. We enjoyed a snowshoe adventure out behind our house in the woods and made a deer path that we try to maintain all winter so the deer have a firm place to walk. We also try to feed them so they are comfortable. After returning we decided to run to the hangar real quick and remove the snow in front of the hangar door… boy that was some heavy snow! The airport still remains closed.
In the evening we all went to applebees for dinner to redeem a gift card we got from a family member for Christmas. Just as we were finishing up our meal an older couple walked by and stopped. The gentleman proceeds to explain how blessed we were to have well behaved boys. He then began to walk off and handed Bri a Christmas present and said, “Be blessed.” This present was a hand painting of Portland Head Light. We thought it was a nice gesture until we realized his business card was on the back. It showed that He is a Pastor of a small house church. After dinner I decided to call him and get to know Him, and it was a blessing to connect in that way.
A little bit of light goes a long way.
Have a blessed day!