His Mercy is More!

His mercy is more, His mercy is More, are the words of a song that shook the hangar building at the Limington Harmon Airport this weekend as 12 campers ranging from 14-24 Praised the Lord! 12 Campers and four volunteers trained and prepared Biblically, jumped into airplanes and brought the Gospel message to the next towns of Maine. Old Town, Rochester (NH), Brunswick, Oxford, Fryeburg, Lincoln, and Bethel all were boots on the ground with the message. The campers were actively engaged in all of the maintenance training, Bible training, and flight training. Our team was able to talk with over a dozen outsiders about Christ, some were receptive, some claimed to have a personal relationship, and others sadly rejected, but the the seed was planted, or watered.

One key takeaway some campers had was that the Lord can use you whenever and however, He can use us within our passions and desires to ultimately glorify Him. The first day I had a chance to pray with a 97 year old man who mentioned he was lonely and happened to drive up to our hangar. With tears running down his cheaks, He mentioned He hadn’t been prayed for for over 10 years. People need Christ!

We finished off camp with a sheet metal structures contest while wind swept rain came through southern Maine. The campers and leaders all finished off the weekend just as it had started “His mercy is more!”

We challenged the campers to go back to their spheres of life and go into their next towns with the Gospel.

“But He said to them, “Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also, because for this purpose I have come forth.”- Mark 1:38

We are thankful for the two guest speakers who came to camp to talk about sharing the Gospel, Pastor Jim Ackerson, Maine MAF rep/ Baptist Park Flight Camp Director, and Pastor J. Trent Boyd who sits on the PTG Board, is a chaplain at the York County Jail, Adjunct Professor at New Brunswick Bible Institute, and Alec’s day to day ministry mentor.

Alec and His family are now on a ten day vacation. He will be speaking at the Spruce Head Community Church in the down-east region next Sunday for pulpit supply while their Pastor is also on vacation. Bri is excited for this time to finally have a week off with their kids, and get away from the COVID-19 testing world for a bit.

Josiah, after much rest and time with His family who worked a ton from behind the scenes, even the kids were preparing the airplanes for camp, will continue on getting proficient in the airplane and working towards a few aeronautical goals He has before beginning to fly for PTG. Kayla, Josiah’s wife, again after spending time with Her husband again, will continue to homeschool the 5 children, and serve within her community and local church.

Chief Todd, will continue to do what He does best, raise His children, Be a great Husband, and fly airplanes from Portland to Presque Ilse for Fedex Feeders. We praise the Lord for the PTG Team and the resources the Lord has brought together!

Please be in prayer with the team at PTG as some changes might be coming down the road like hangar storage, moving one airplane to Oxford as a second PTG base where Hangar Nights will be held at the same time as the Limington Based Hangar nights to double the ministry through Josiah and His family, and also the possibility of purchasing some land and building an all in one PTG hangar with heat, restrooms, and hangar space that is able to hold multiple aircraft as the Lord is opening up opportunities. We are sure to give God all the praise and all the Glory as His mercy is surely more!

Alec Kindred