Camp Season
Good morning all,
I wanted to jump on and give a brief update. Life has certainly been busy! Two weeks ago I served at Baptist Park during the flight camp and outdoor adventure camps. The entire week I was the camp Pastor and delivered 5 messages on what the Word of God is for us in this day, out of Psalms 119.
1. The Word of God is our Anchor
2. The Word of God is our Vision
3. The Word of God is settled
4. The Word of God is our refuge
5. The Word of God is our light
I so enjoyed that week of camp, enjoying the campers and ultimately seeing the Lord work on their hearts.
Last night I had the privledge to cover the pulpit for my Pastor who is at Camp Good News this week. It actually worked out well since my Homiletics final was to preach an expositional message. I have added a media page to our website listing various media and sermons that PTG has presented. You can find this under the “About us” drop down menu.
Last week, along with a busy work schedule I had three final writing assignments due for this semester. Thanks be to the Lord, he gave me strength to get them completed. I sit at my desk this morning with a cup of coffee and my Bible, just finishing Term 2 of my final year. 4 months remaining! I am excited to begin a new set of classes on August 1st; Romans, Apologetics, and Church Leadership. Before this, I am looking forward to this two weeks of rest before continuing.
Next week our sending church is hosting a 5 day kids camp, Camp Raha, where I will be speaking on Thursday afternoon. I am thrilled to see a ton of children gather and get taught about Christ.
Our camp is scheduled for August 13-14 for grades 6th-12th. This camp will cost $100 per person and I also that everyone gets their registration forms into us this week. Our camp Pastor is Pastor Tim Kezar from the New Covenant Baptist Church in Berwick, Maine. I am excited to see how the Lord works during this years camp.
Before signing off this morning I would like to leave a verse for you:
Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease [a]among the people. 36 But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were [b]weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. 37 Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. 38 Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”- Matthew 9:35-38
Stay tuned in the next few weeks for some exciting news from one of our members, and how the Lord is moving their family and using them for His harvest field.
Alec Kindred