Winter is here!

Good morning folks!

It has been quite some time since I last updated on this platform. This morning we are experiencing our first snowfall! I always love it when this day comes each year. I usually find myself up early. There is just something so sweet about studying God’s Word on a snowy morning. Coffee is included by the way :)

We are working on our annual newsletter so I want to be careful to not give out all the exciting details of our year just yet, but Praise the Lord for what He has done. The PTG flyout weekend went awesome, 17 campers, 280 gallons of fuel, 5 airplanes, and 20 gospel presentations! WOW WOW WOW!

On October 1st we held our first, and certainly not our last, PTG Kids day, where kids between 8 and 14 came and got a 15-minute flight, did some practice riveting, and heard the Gospel.

Moving forward we are looking for opportunities to share God’s Word and His love with our Neighbors here in the great state of Maine.

Moving forward I am thrilled about the team that the Lord is forming, from more mechanics to pilots, and volunteers. I can’t wait for you all to read this year’s newsletter! What a blessing it is to serve in this capacity!

Please pray for these items:

  • This winter and coming spring we will continue to fly and build relationships. We are aware of multiple churches without a Pastor at this time. Our team seeks to encourage these churches as the Lord leads. 

  • In 2023 we will most likely have to get our engine overhauled. This will cost around $28,000. 

  • Continue to pray for opportunities to share God’s Word and His love with our neighbors here in Maine. 

  • The Airport is still for sale which provides some uncertainties moving forward. We have discussed a few options, but are seeking to wait on the Lord. There is land for sale at the airport that we have considered where we could build a basic hangar. There would also be enough space down the road to building a small ranch or even a slab for a camper (some guest speakers like this option). We are seeking to be a more “day-to-day” ministry as the Lord leads us.

    Thank you all for your continued support!

-The PTG Team

Alec Kindred