Prayer: Daniel 6:10

Good morning,

Currently 13 F here and the ground is covered in a white substance. Exciting stuff, I love the changing of seasons.

This morning my children and wife departed for the day and I find myself in deep study in my warm office. Through my classes I find myself in Daniel 6:10.

Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went home. And in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times a day before his God, as was his custom since early days.”

I began studying the urgency and importance of a deep and dedicated prayer life. Intimacy can only be developed through regular fellowship (Prayer with the Father).

I found this study to be extremely encouraging. I truly believe that when involved with a ministry like ours, it is so important to follow the Lord’s promptings through the Holy Spirit on His leading (Consecrated to Christ on a daily basis). Now, I do not believe we audibly hear from the Lord, but I do believe in promptings or burdens, and the Lord providing a way for those promptings to be followed through. PTG Missions operates on two bullet points: Outreach and Instruction. The Lord leads us on how to approach and follow through with these actions, but we must first be in an intimate relationships with the Father, through prayer, to know.

I beleive our supporters do the same, if not, then how do they know when there is a need for the ministry? Our supporters have a deep prayer life, and are also consecrated to the Father. I praise the Lord for this truth and this awesome study.

Before every major or large decision Jesus made He went into deep prayer alone, and often withdrew. Do we?

Few other passages I encourage you to dive in deep with:

Matthew 14:22-23
Mathew 26:36-46
Mark 1:35
Luke 5:16
Luke 6:12-16

After this mornings study time in my Christian Relationships class, I depart for work, then tonight we have prayer meeting. I pray you all have a blessed day in the Lord wherever He has you.

Blessings to you all,

Alec S. Kindred

Alec Kindred