

From this snowy morning here in southern Maine. We are expected to receive about 11 inches of snow today through tomorrow.

Boy oh boy yesterday was a special day! We woke up early, made a good breakfast, and prepared the family before all jumping into the airplane and flying 45 nautical miles due north to a small valley called Pleasant Valley where a wonderful bible church is located. In fact this little church was the first church to take on PTG for monthly support. Many friends are located there, in a village that reminds me a lot of Palmer, Alaska.

After preaching about hope and God breathing life into dry bones out of Ezekiel 37, we were about 3000 feet above a few mountains yesterday, as the boys were sound asleep. My wife who is less enthusiastic about flying was also quite quiet. We were right over the mountain tops of beautiful covered terrain and I couldn’t help but just smile about what the Lord has done and the amazing creation He has made. Yesterday was surely a day I’d love to have shouted from a mountain top as we praised the Lord for one of the best and most memorable days of my life. On our way to Bethel, our oldest son was extremely engaging with the flight, and asked where we were going… He thought we were going to Bethlehem…

Yesterdays flight allowed us to be back by 1:30pm, gave me time to finish my assignment two days early, the boys played bit, while my wife took a nap, before heading to evening service. We saved about a half days journey by flying. This is a day that ended up being extremely efficient and productive in the ministry.

The mountains also reminded me of the times Jesus would often wonder off alone and spend time consecrated to His Father. Well, Here I am now in my office, my wife and boys have ventured off in the snow to go about their day. I am covering the topic of “The Husband as PASTOR.”

So when you may be looking into those valleys full of dry bones, just remember God can breathe life, and there may be a beautiful mountain with snow covered tops just ahead, but the Lord is preparing you.

Have a blessed day and enjoy the snow!

*Runway is closed the next few days.


Alec Kindred