Are you busy?
Yesterday we had multiple inches of heavy rain. It was right about 60 degrees all day which was a treat. I had a quick dental appointment in the morning and was blessed to be able to sleep in a little extra and enjoy my quiet time in the Lord at a later time of 6-7A.M. Work went well and I grabbed the boys from daycare and then we went to the hangar to begin opening up N12ER for the annual inspection. There are alot of times we will be fixing this year and addressing. It was a solid day in the Lord and I thank Him for granting another day this morning. We ended our day at Mercy Express Care as our oldest Son, Bennett, has a double ear infection.
Today I will be continuing on with my Bible memorization and research study for my Term 1 finals at the end of this week. But as we approach the Word this morning, are you days filled with your Father’s business?
Luke 2:49 “Did you not know, that I must be about MY Father’s business?” We must be challenged today to live our days fully in the Lord. When we have Christ in mind right from the point we jump out of bed until we jump back in, the Lord will be glorified through your day. Some ask how we can pull off an 18 hour day like last Friday… Because we are busy about our Father’s business.
Get to it!
Have a blessed day!
Alec S. Kindred