Saved by His Blood


Today looks to be an overcast and damp start, but the snow is officially gone.

Yesterday we had quite the day besides work and our normal routine. Last night on the way to Church for our Maundy Thursday service to reflect on Christ’s death, as we drove down Warren road in Buxton Maine along side the raging Saco river, our oldest son, Bennett, asked my wife Bri, to show Him how to ask Jesus into His heart. This was the result of many discussions we have had together over the last 8 months, as he has come home from Sunday school and AWANA with many questions. After a detailed discussion to ensure that He understood why Jesus did what He did for us, Bennett at age 3.5 explained to us that He is a sinner, when He is naughty and that Jesus died on the cross for His naughtiness so that He may go to heaven and dwell with God. Shortly there after, my Bri led little Benny in prayer while His small gentle voice followed, “Dear Jesus, I am a sinner, I’m naughty, please forgive all my sins, and come into my heart as my Lord, and Savior, I want to live for you.” GLORY! A prayer I have prayed consistently daily, that my children may come to know the Lord! Of course much growing and maturing will follow but at that moment the Lord heard Bennett’s prayer and walked in and took over residence in this child’s life. So, Are you washed in the Blood, There is a fountain filled with Blood, Take my life and let it be!!! In todays culture, what could be more exciting?

Last nights service was amazing as we had tables setup in the shape of the cross with candles every 12 inches, we sang, we read scripture, and we took part in the Lord’s supper. At the end we sang “Were you there,” without singing the fourth verse, after the third verse was completed we quietly exited the building reflecting upon that Jesus broke His body for me. Powerful service.

2 Cor. 5:21 “For He made Him who knew no sin, to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”

“Every person has a responsibility to give an undiminished view of Christ to the next generation”- A.W. Tozer

Have a glorious Easter Sunday!

Alec S. Kindred

Alec Kindred