2 Peter 1


April 8, 2019

Today we had 2 inches of heavy wet snow accumulate with a mixture of sleet and freezing rain. Just enough for winter to say it is still here. Of course we know that April showers bring May flowers we are looking forward to slightly warmer weather. Today my daily Bible study was in the book of 2 Peter 1. Looking at the first 9 verses we see that the Lord calls us to a life that has a desire to live Christ-like. This passage is so very challenging but also reassuring, because we know we will fail at times. verse 9 explains that when we fail its because we have forgotten that we were cleansed from our old sins. We lack giving acknowledgment to God. I recently had to write a 1500 essay for my theology class, on the subject on The Pursuit of Excellence and love of People. There is a direct correlation to living in excellence and our outward love. When we are not focusing on God, daily, the first attribute or even tool for sharing the Gospel is no where to be found… love. I know the days that I struggle to get in the word and spend time with the Lord before work, I quickly lose the outward love and find myself walking backwards through verse 6-7. Lacking love, then kindness, godliness, perseverance, self-control, and then knowledge. We must have a desire to know God on a daily basis or the following attributes will be unfruitful. John Piper once stated, “Growth is not optional.”

Desire to live holy, acknowledge God at any chance you get, and share His love continually.

Have a blessed day.

Alec S. Kindred

Alec Kindred