A Big Start
Good Morning,
I am very glad to be typing in my first post on the Propelling the Gospel Blog. From now on, I will have the pleasure to be giving some updates about what God has been teaching me and provided to the Propelling the Gospel (PG) Ministry.
My name is Matheus, I am from Salvador, Brazil and as you have seen in the previous posts from Alec S Kindred I will be a summer intern of the PG Missions. Last Saturday I got back from Brazil after a month spending some time with family and friends. This past weekend I spent my time getting settled in and seeing again some friends from West Buxton Baptist Church, by the way this is the church that I will be attending from now on.
Tonight, I am going to start the private pilot ground school. That is a big moment for me because I can see the promises of God being accomplished in my life. I couldn’t be more excited to begin my studies because I know that all the knowledge obtained by me will be used to serve and glorify Him who is our God and Savior.
This morning I was doing my personal devotions and the Lord gave me this passage on 1 Chronicles 29:14-15 it says, “But who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able thus to offer willingly? For all things come from you, and of your own have we given you. For we are strangers before you and sojourners, as all our fathers were. Our days on the earth are like a shadow, and there is no abiding”. Here are some questions that the Lord brought to my heart, Am I holding back something that I could be using for God’s glory? Am I trusting in God sufficiently to give willingly? Remember that our time on earth is quick so use it wisely not holding anything back but giving everything willingly for the sake of His glory.
God bless your morning!
Matheus Campos