Busy but blessed!
I write to you from my warm desk and on my second cup of coffee already.
I need to tell you, this past weekend has been extremely full of ministry and I praise the Lord for it. On Saturday I got right up fulfilled my classes duties and then drove 180 miles north for an 11AM meeting with a church who interviewed myself for potentially taking us on for monthly support. Praise the Lord. I was able to spend quite a bit of time alone with the Lord on the drive up and back. I also was able to catch up with Nathan, (LETU student), for a few moments also, and that was also great. I returned back home around 3pm after completing the 300 mile journey. We also have been remodeling our bathroom, so that is what my Saturday night entailed.
Sunday morning I had forced myself to sleep in, or at least try… that was until I received a message from my Pastor who was sick and unable to preach within the next two hours. I hit the office pretty hard and finalized a message I had prepared for evening service. All in the all the Lord gave me the Words He wanted expressed, and the whole theme of the day was missions.
Sunday night after church I managed to get our water turned back on in time for all of us to shower around 9:30pm and work and daycare the next day. Before work yesterday I was able to meet with my high school principle who has requested I come back next Wednesday and preach in their chapel service, and I am thrilled. It was great catching up with a great friend for sure.
Last night we had our hangar Bible night, where is was about 19 degrees. We complied with a monthly inspection on the airplane, and then closed up the hangar and drove to a near by supporters home, who opened up her space for us. She had all the fixings for us, hot cocoa, pie, whoopie pies and boy were we blessed by her ministry. We sat there and enjoyed a deep study in 1 Thess. 5 1-10 talking about the changing of times and seasons and being ready and satisfied as a messenger of the Lord, for His return. We also shared a lot of funny stories, mostly at my expense. We did some brainstorming and outreach mission ideas for this coming year. The last three days have been full throttle busy, but our family counts it as a blessing and encouragement to be this involved.
I will now be focused on my final thoughts of term 4 and preparing for finals. Once those are completed I’ll be sure to touch base and provide another update. Until then, God Bless and keeping Going.
Have a wonderful week.
Alec Kindred