Crossing borders

Good morning,

It has been a few weeks since any sort of communication. At times I feel the need to draw back a bit and focus on some key elements. As my Pastor often tells me, “Sometime you just need to be the student, Alec.” I was able to get through my missions final pretty smoothly, which was the class I was most concerned about. This past weekend a group of us guys from church drove 5 hours north to New Brunswick Bible Institute in Hartland, N.B. Canada for a men’s retreat. It was super refreshing and encouraging. This was my 4th time attending the conference, and what a way to kick off a new year of ministry. While at NBBI I was able to get through my Christian Relationships final at around midnight after all of the evening sessions. My main goal in do this was so I would not take away from family time when I returned Saturday evening. While up north, Josiah and I were able to catch up and spend some quality time with Matheu. What a blessing to be among authentic brothers.

This week our work schedule is slammed. I have one more final (Biblical worldview), and a church directory to complete. I am looking forward to next weekend staying local and dedicating some time to my boys before our flight/preaching schedule gets busy again.

Feb 3rd- Hangar Bible Night- Limington Harmon Airport

Feb 9th- Merrimack Valley Baptist Church- Nashua, NH

Feb 10th-12th I will be in Denver for a customer relations event for work

Feb 16th- Emmanuel Baptist Church- Ellsworth, ME

Feb 22nd- Agape Dinner with my Wife -WBBC

March 15- New Covenant Bible Church- Berwick, ME

April 24-25th- Church Revitalization Conference- Lisbon, ME

May 1-3rd- NBBI Spring conference- NB Canada

And everything else that falls in between. I am looking to begin praying about forming and training up a church planting team. This process will be slow but we could use some prayer in this department.

Verse for today:

Joshua 1:8 “ This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you[a] shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

“Important to note that it is up to us to choose and follow what God has instructed” (Lorrits 2020)

Have a blessed week ahead.

Alec S. Kindred

Alec Kindred