Unapproachable Light: All is calm all is bright!

Good morning!

In the last few weeks, I have found great peace from the view of my tree stand while hunting for white tail deer. New England is considered the hardest region to harvest a deer in the U.S. With that being said, we were unsuccessful, but had many successes. A sign overlooks our kitchen area “All is calm, all is bright.” The chaos of 2020 has gotten the best of us. In the last week or so I have found myself more stressed than normal, struggling in multiple areas, and wrestling with issues in multiple areas of my life. The other night after my wife read me some verses, I looked up and saw that sign. That one Silent night, which most likely was not silent, changed the world that all could be calm and all could be bright. In 1 Timothy Paul speaks about the unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be honor and everlasting power. What a concept! All is bright! I John 1 speaks about how God is light and those who fellowship with Him are also. I am thankful for the bright light that has been shining throughout the year of 2020.

Below is a link to the overview of my hunting season. There isn’t anything biblically that will edify you within this video, but many blessings were explained in it. Let’s get bright today and show the world that there is One who seeks all men to be in the light with Him.


Blessings to you all,

Alec S. Kindred

Alec Kindred