2021 plans.
Good morning!
We had a blessed board meeting last night and I am greatly encouraged by what the board has come up with for a 2021 plan. It has been heavy on my heart for quite some time now about how we do ministry to a world that is screaming “Stay away”.
After the board and folks on the ground prayerfully considered that thought, the Lord gave us some clear opportunities:
Attentively scheduled, we are planning a Pastor’s Leadership Conference on February 27th from 8:30-12:30PM. We are excited about this opportunity for the chance at encouraging Pastors and Leaders from New England. More info to come on this event.
We are going to host a one day Rapid Response training for those within our ministry that seeks to come alongside during trials. We have not set a date or time for this yet.
In 2021., we also seek to host a second aviation camp (one-day) geared for younger children. With young eagles not doing much locally in the past few years, we are looking at the opportunity of filling that void and sharing what mission aviation is all about.
We are also looking at the opportunity of flying pastors around and patients with Patient AirLift services.
The Lord has never left this ministry in the dark and we are thankful for the continual guidance from our Savior. Please pray with us as we prepare for the New Year~