Back to Church
Good morning All,
Yesterday our family went back to church for the first time in 3 months. It was incredible. There is just something about singing together, praying together, listening together, and worshiping together. I was greatly encouraged to hear from one of our missionaries from Togo, West Africa, who is extremely busy sharing the Gospel of our Savior.
There is hangar Bible night tonight at 6PM. We have a lot of work to do on the airplanes!
Recently we have got alot done as a family as we prepare for a few events coming up. Our flight camp is a go, although modified to a two-day camp with no overnight capabilities. I am thankful we are able to have a version of camp. If you are in High school or College and want exposure on sharing the Gospel, mission aviation, and missions in general please visit the camp page on our website and send in the application with $50.
This Sunday at 2PM we have our annual plane wash which will be a great time of fellowship. Lord willing we will be back to flying very soon.
Recently I have been called upon quite a bit for pulpit supply around the state, and I look forward to getting back to those churches. If your church needs pulpit supply do not hesitate to call.
Quick update here, but be encouraged, the Lord is working,
Have a blessed day.