Greetings this fine morning here in New England! As I am deep in study this morning going through 2 Corinthians and building some context for an exposition assignment coming up, I couldn’t help but stop after reading about this word “Berakah”. Berakah was a Jewish synagogue recital of praise and thanksgiving (2 Cor 1:3-7). Although we are not flying as much, camps are cancelling, and the Islands are closed to non residents, we can still give praise to our God and be thankful. Here are a few things we are thankful for:
It seems wild that just under a week and a half ago we were in Western New York picking up the second airplane and we praise the Lord for that mission. Our Chief Pilot plans on flying the airplane some to continue breaking in the engine. Josiah is getting ready to get back into the airplane as a pilot in command and my heart could not be more excited for him to serve in this capacity.
Secondly, our financial support has continued to come in faithfully from our givers! Thank you all who have trusted the Lord through this pandemic and continue to support this ministry. Praise ye the Lord!
Thirdly, the state is beginning to open up and we praise the Lord for that as it does appear at this time we will be able to have camp at some capacity. Although we are unsure of what that will look like we are thankful!
Lastly, the annual inspection is just about completed on N12ER and we are thankful for the Lord’s provision. We hope to be able to get back out flying to rural areas spreading the Gospel message very soon. We are thankful for Hangar Bible night that has continued on and will now be much more purposeful with two aircraft. There is so much to be thankful for.
Thank you God for saving Me!
There is one more thing we are extremely thankful for and praise God for… stay tuned for the video.
1 Chronicles 16:34: “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!”